I've also made it easier to keep up with this amazing blog by adding subscription features. The easiest way is to use the subscribe via email box (below the archive list). It's safe, secure, and easy. You can also subscribe using an RSS reader, but that requires a few more steps. So just sign up for email thing. It'll be great.
Finally, I also recently added the World Vision latest news feed and put their logo above it. Click on it to go to their homepage. Merideth and I have been sponsoring children through World Vision for years now and have also participated in some of their other programs. They do very good work.
They have a cool program for mother's day (and probably other holidays as well). You can buy practical things for people in developing nations--a duck, a goat, a bag of rice, stuff like that. And then they'll send a card to the person whom you're honoring (your mom, or whomever). If you go to their site, click on ways to give/gift catalog (or click here) and you can give an Ecuadorian family an alpaca today! It probably costs less than your car payment and will change a life!
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