I was discussing some of our big ideas for this new church with a friend yesterday. How we're trying to find the right rhythm of worshiping, growing in our faith, and serving our community. How we want to establish structures and patterns and rhythms that are healthy, honor God, and have transforming power in our lives and in the lives of others. It's an exhilarating ride. It's a time of exploration and creativity. It's fun.
As our conversation continued, we turned to a frustrating reality: no matter how carefully we craft our structures; no matter how perfectly we engineer our policies and plans; no matter how well we organize our methods and systems; some people will not buy it. Some people won't care for our approach. Some people will want to buck the system, do it their way. Some people will rebel, flake out, give up, or drift away.
What's this all mean? That the system is not our savior. Systems are great. Plans are essential. Organization is necessary. But the bottom line is Jesus, not our cool plans. People need an encounter with the Lord.
The Bible talks about organization a bit. It gives broad insight into the how question. But it's much more interested in the who question. It's about knowing Jesus. It's about loving God and neighbor. And it's about following someone. Jesus said, "Follow me." And amazingly, Paul said, "Imitate me." He didn't implore people to live according to a system; he implored them to learn to be like someone who was already a disciple.
And so as our conversation was wrapping up, we faced that reality. Systems are great, but we need someone to follow. Organization and structures are great, but the church needs leaders. Some people will love our ideas and our plans and jump in. But many will need to connect with someone who they can follow.
It's a humbling, even daunting prospect. But can it really be any other way?
S.M.A.R.T. Coach
1 year ago
It's true, Matt. But, different systems and structures will attract different people. Our system may be just the thing that certain people feel confrtable and safe with and those are the people God wants us to love on and to introduce to Jesus. I'm so excited about that!
Pardon the typos.
Remember, Matt, that Jesus doesn't really care about whether you adopt the rhythm of a highly liturgical church year, the rhythm of carefree island calypso music, the soothing rhythm of the ocean waves, or the chaotic rhythm of the taxi horns in New York City. Jesus loves all the rhythms of the world. I believe this new church is being led into its very own rhythym by the committment of the people joining the journey to follow Christ's rhythym. I pray for your group as you move forward (in itself a rhythm...)that you will be led by the Holy Spirit into an organization and structure that will mold itself into its own personality, remembering that the only important part of the structure is the foundation - the love of Jesus Christ. Many blessings on your adventure.
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